Flavien Delbergue designs daily life objects taking as a starting point the observation of know-how. He collaborates with craftsmen and manufactures in France and Japan, to develop a new range of modest objects.
His creative approach, imprinted with Japanese culture, is based on the stripping of the material to reach objects with pure lines, whose function becomes obvious. An essential research of the emptiness that aim to economise means and guides us towards objects modestly balanced.
Graduated from École Boulle, his experiences, one around Japanese craftsmanship in Kyoto (Japan Handmade), another one in a Danish design studio (OeO studio), lead him to question the notion of sincerity in a production design. He joined the Ateliers de Paris incubator in 2018, then he was finalist Design Parade Hyères 14 with the Asobi project. In 2019, Hako collection designed by Flavien Delbergue was rewarded with a Japan Wood Design Award.